Electrical Engineering Courses

Overcurrent Relays Protection Coordination

This course serves as an introduction to the operating principles of overcurrent relays with particular focus on overcurrent relays operation time coordination principles. The course focuses more on current relays installed on radial networks. The problems set out in this course material are taken from many examples of operating practice and methods of solving these problems are indicated. Practical tasks and examples of relay coordination applications given in the relevant sections deal with the topic in more detail.

Fundamentals Of Shunt Capacitor Banks

This course serves as an introduction to the operating principles of high voltage power capacitor banks with particular focus on shunt connected capacitor banks. Power capacitors form an integral part of equipment used in the reactive compensation areas of power systems and network planning. The term reactive compensation is widely used in the ESI (Electrical Supply Industry) to identify a method employed to decrease the amount of apparent power required in a network by adding reactive power to the system, hence the term compensation.

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