
Introduction To Project Finance For Infrastructure Development

Introduction To Project Finance For Infrastructure Development

Project finance is used on a global basis to finance over $300 billion of capital-intensive projects annually in industries such as power, transportation, energy, chemicals, and mining. This increasingly critical, financial technique relies on nonrecourse, risk-mitigated cash flows of a specific project, not the balance sheet or

corporate guarantee of a sponsor, to support the funding, using a broad-based set of inter-disciplinary skills. This short course in Project Finance aims to provide candidates with an overall view on Project Finance and the main mechanisms of how to provide for financial structuring of the project.

Your course presenter is an expert in Public Private Partnerships and concession projects, working with major financial consultancy firms, with over 20 years of experience in developing projects under project finance methodology.

Benefits Of Attending

  • Direct, specific, and practical tools to apply to project finance
  • The structured approach of this course provides you with a clear and logical methodology to guide you
    through the project finance.
  • Learn from the first-hand experiences of an entrepreneur who has successfully built over 15 businesses
    from the ground up.

Course Outcomes

  • Obtain an overview of the concepts and approach used in structuring and arranging project finance
    transactions for major infrastructure schemes
  • Gain an understanding of risk analysis and risk management technique
    Learn about a project appraisal methodology
  • Understand the language and approach of financiers
  • Insight into the drivers, approaches and concerns of the key players involved in creating and financing
    major projects

Course Objective

  • The objective of the course is to understand what project finance is, its necessary elements, why it is used, how it is used, its advantages and its disadvantages. At the end of the course, students should be able to identify projects
    that meet the essential criteria for a project financing and know how to create the structure for a basic project
    financing. The course will study the necessary elements critical to project financing to include product markets,
    technology, sponsors, operators, offtakers, environment, consultants, taxes and financial sources.


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