1 Day Workshop
A Powerful Workshop for Leaders to manage their staff and their companies through this difficult time
Please note:
1 Day Workshop
“Making money is the ultimate goal of any company. The losses in the last six months (now eighteen months) will have been astronomic, crippling and inconceivable. All managers and employees will know this. Do not keep reminding them. Rather, leaders will need to plan differently and motivate their staff.
So, a simple message to all leaders out there, it is time to step up and lead from the front. Your staff are looking to you for guidance, sometimes for assurance but mostly for you to demonstrate your trust in them.”
“We will certainly have all changed through this journey, and we will need to both understand and process the impact that this has had on every facet of our kaleidoscopic lives, and find new ways to move forward.”
Mike Lacey-Smith from his published book ‘Life after the Pause’.
Who Should Attend the Workshop:
All leaders who wish to work more effectively with their staff, their peers and their businesses. And, for these leaders to process and understand the emotional, physical and financial impact that Covid-19 has had on their lives, the lives of their staff, and on their businesses, and also to discover how to cope more effectively in both during this pandemic and in preparation for an uncertain new world.
Why Should Leaders attend this workshop:
Business has been hugely impacted by the effects of Covid-19. Leading differently and effectively through this time, and the uncertain times that lie ahead, will be critical for business survival and flourishing into the future.
This Workshop
Every human being on this planet was affected by the devastating impact that Covid-19 had on us all. Businesses too have been battered, and leaders need to guide their staff through this time.
Leaders and staff have all been through (and still live in the time) of Covid-19. But, leaders carry the heavy responsibility of keeping their companies going, and this is extremely stressful.
The assumption is that people will ‘carry on as normal’ both now and as the world of work eventually opens up. This could not be further from the truth. Statistics from the USA has shown a 20% increase in anxiety disorders, and a 22.9% increase in combined anxiety and depressive disorders since the pandemic begun. South Africa is no different.
South Africa has experienced the longest lockdown and strictest restrictions of any country in the world. The movement back and forth through Levels of Lockdown has had an immense negative impact on business. This has affected employers, employees and companies deeply, and many people have not processed what they felt and thought during this time. This will directly affect how they function both today and into the future.
The financial repercussions of this time has placed immense stress on leaders and employees, and stressed employees are not productive. What companies need more than ever in this pressured time is employees who are productive, and leaders who can lead them effectively.
This workshop delves deeply into the emotional and financial impact that this time has had on leaders, employees and businesses. It uses as its base the published book by Mike Lacey-Smith entitled ‘Life after the Pause’, and it is the first book in the world to be published discussing the effects of Covid-19 on people and businesses on this earth. He is a Psychologist and facilitator.
All leaders attending this workshop will be given a personal understanding of the emotions and thoughts that they experienced (and are still experiencing) due to Covid-19. It will, however, focus primarily on the leadership roles, responsibilities and skills necessary to guide their staff and businesses through this time. The workshop is highly interactive yet very personal, and provides understanding as to how to lead differently through uncertainty and change.
It also provides a practical guide and critical tool for managing stress and anxiety. It assesses levels of stress in all areas of life and provides practical skills and thinking processes to better combat what stress does to staff and leaders. This time has been the most stressful time in living history. And the future may well be more stressful in companies.
Also, when leaders can better understand their own emotions and those of their staff, companies can move forward more effectively.
This workshop looks at ways of leading through change utilising different thinking, managing emotions and evaluating business thinking and processes.
Learning objectives for this workshop:
Workshop outline: Leading with Confidence through Covid-19
The impact that the Covid-19 Pandemic has had on Business
“The economies across the globe during lockdown literally fell apart. Companies had little or no time to prepare for the forced lockdowns and isolation. Few corporations had contingency plans for the Biological Virus crisis as very few would have ever considered this world-wide event in their risk analyses.” – Mike Lacey-Smith from ‘Life after the Pause’
The financial impact of Covid-19
Reconnecting with staff and customers
“Realistically, the Biological Virus will put individuals, families, companies, communities and governments back by years. There will be no magical pill or answer as to how everyone will make it through. The only way will be together.” – Mike Lacey-Smith from ‘Life after the Pause’
Brief session on what has the Covid-19 Pandemic meant for you?
Brief session on understanding Grief and Loss and how it relates to us right now
What is the PAUSE?
Leadership challenges
What type of Leadership is needed right now for a company to succeed?
Leadership skills that are critical
Becoming Productive again
Understanding stress
So what do we do with all of this moving forward?
Workshop learning outcomes. Leaders will:
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