Our Service

Our Service Offering

If your company needs a training course to be provided in-house or virtually, or if it needs a tailored curriculum that will help you meet organizational needs, you can go ahead and work together with us to find the right solutions. We’ll work closely with you to identify the appropriate expertise and skills required from curriculum design and development to sourcing trainers and evaluating their credentials, so you can achieve your goals efficiently and promptly.

Our multidisciplinary accredited programs are the best way to develop core personal, professional, and technical skills that are essential for the engineering industry. With a focus on developing leadership and other soft skills along with practical, hands-on experience.

Personality testing

Personality testing is an effective way to examine communication skills and leadership prowess. Assessment tools and soft skills workshops (conducted by certified professionals) help businesses identify their staff’s individual strengths and weaknesses, while also exploring ways to improve communication among colleagues.

Customized Courses

We offer customized short courses and webinars to meet specialized training needs. Whether you need to learn in-depth knowledge about a particular subject or are looking for a quick refresher after a long break, we can help you get the most out of your training materials.

With our focus on engineering and innovation, we have launched various sector-specific training programs under our portfolio. From this year onwards, our programs will be expanded to not just focus on the engineering sector but also to cover other sectors.

Want to up-skill your team? Get in touch.

We don’t sell courses for teams. We sell solutions to companies who want to make sure their employees are as productive as possible. Our portfolio includes are 100 courses that cover a variety of subject matters, from technical skills to soft skills. If you’re looking for a course that will improve productivity of your team, you can also contact us directly at admin@phehella.co.za with any additional inquiries.

Our Courses